sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2019

what kinds of book you like read?

the kind of books that I read are of science fiction like warcraft, is a book very interesting because is relacionate with a universe but this universe is divided in differents planets. Every planet is habitated for differents species but this planets are relacionated with a portal. One type of this races leaves her planet to conquer new one there begins a long fight and mainly this is the outcome of this book or saga.

other tipe of books that i read but in less cuantity are drama, Action and Adventure, Romance, mystery, horror, science, history, comics, prayer books and fantasy but i like more books of science fiction because i like more something unrealistic and more striking. One type of this books are comics like marvel histories.

                             Resultado de imagen para libros de super heroes

What is your favorite book?

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