viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019

    Resultado de imagen para dios no esta muerto pelicula
  • what that the movie propose?
  • why the teacher wants his students to be atheists?
  • why the young man opposes resistance to the teacher?
  • why he ends up with the girlfriend?
  • what do you think of the movie?

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2019

what kinds of book you like read?

the kind of books that I read are of science fiction like warcraft, is a book very interesting because is relacionate with a universe but this universe is divided in differents planets. Every planet is habitated for differents species but this planets are relacionated with a portal. One type of this races leaves her planet to conquer new one there begins a long fight and mainly this is the outcome of this book or saga.

other tipe of books that i read but in less cuantity are drama, Action and Adventure, Romance, mystery, horror, science, history, comics, prayer books and fantasy but i like more books of science fiction because i like more something unrealistic and more striking. One type of this books are comics like marvel histories.

                             Resultado de imagen para libros de super heroes

What is your favorite book?

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

1) what type of clothes do teenagers wear in your country now? in the past?

-now many people wear for the fashion but this type of clothes depend of the weather. for example in the cold weather people use clothes as jeans, shirt and closes choes or sneaker, and many times wear a jacket, for other way in hotter weather people usually wear short pants, open shoes and t-shit this is for mens. in the women case they use dressers, sandals and all type of the fresh clothes.   
                        5 looks para vestirte en las principales ciudades de Colombia             5 looks para vestirte en las principales ciudades de Colombia 1
-in the past people wore very different than we do now. they using clothes inspired in the Spanish clothes this is for upper classes, but usually this colthes were dark. in the lower classes people usually wore peasant clothes. This type of clothing is what we know as typical costumes.

                 Resultado de imagen para ropa colonial                 Resultado de imagen para ropa campesina


Resultado de imagen para ropa campesina

Resultado de imagen para ropa para clima calienteResultado de imagen para ropa para clima calienteResultado de imagen para ropa campesinaResultado de imagen para ropa para clima caliente

Resultado de imagen para ropa para clima caliente

FILM QUESTIONS what that the movie propose? why the teacher wants his students to be atheists? why the young man opposes ...